Checklist and guide: Phrases to listen out for and eliminate from customer service responses

Checklist and guide: Phrases to listen out for and eliminate from customer service responses
Customer service professionals equipped with a service-focused mindset and the ability to communicate that mindset to others through their language and actions are well placed to deliver excellent outcomes. Every day we hear of service challenges faced by frontline team members who do their best to handle whatever comes their way. When faced with challenging or complex situations, service givers can find themselves unsure of what to say or do so they regress into language that is not optimal for giving excellent service.
Our simple Checklist and guide will help you to determine whether your teams need more help in understanding how to respond positively, constructively or empathetically and avoid slipping into standard, overused and negative phrases as they try to find their way through challenging situations.
This guide will provide you with valuable insight and allow you to assess whether it is time to give your team members more support to ensure they deliver excellent customer service, every time.
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