Our training and proven approach to improving employee engagement, increasing customer satisfaction and building better teams is founded on the principle that “Everything you think, feel, say and do is either a service or a disservice to yourself and everyone around you.”
This principle was developed by our founder, Mary Gober – a renowned expert in the field of employee engagement and customer satisfaction. Mary is the creator of the Gober Method and the Mindset, Language and Actions of Service Toolkit, which underpins our training programmes and learning journeys.
We believe that being better service-givers and service-receivers can drive business success.
After years of experience in this field, we wholeheartedly believe that the world spins on service and this is because we, like you, know that service, good or bad, determines the quality of how we live and the quality of how we work. To us at MGI the world spins on service because good service enriches our lives. We would all say service is important and every organisation claims to put service high on the agenda.
Service propels us toward living how we want to live, having what we want to have and doing what we want to do – poor service, on the other hand frustrates us, it slows us down and can have very damaging consequences. When we are inhibited and limited by poor or non-existent service, our world can really seem like it is spinning out of control, in the wrong direction, resulting in disappointment and anger, stress, sadness, losing us time, money and opportunity.
We know that in day to day conversations out there in the world, service, particularly bad service, is often discussed. We readily assess the service that we receive and we see good service as a right, an expectation. Consider and assess the level of service that you are currently receiving from some of your key services. Services like your bank, your doctor, your children’s school, your dentist, a plumber or electrician, your broadband supplier or your mobile phone supplier. From plumbers to pubs, bankers to babysitters, teachers to taxi drivers, from the fire service to your water provider, the post office to your doctor, service touches every aspect of your life. If those relationships with your key resources are satisfactory then life moves along smoothly and you are much more likely to achieve what you need to achieve. If service is poor, it is a frustrating and inhibiting to say the least and can hinder your progress – personally and professionally.
To make sure our world spins effectively on service we need to demonstrate two things –
1) that we have the skills to be the best service provider we can be, and
2) that we have the skills to be a better customer.
The end result for everybody will be happier, more successful lives. The fundamental principle on which all of our work is based is that “everything you think, feel, say and do is either a service or a disservice to yourself and everyone around you”.
That’s why MGI works with organisations around the world to equip their people with the tools and skills that need to make sure everything they think, feel, say and do is a service and not a disservice, when they are interacting with their customers, suppliers and each other. We know that better service leads to better business and this is why our customers achieve excellent levels of customers satisfaction, employee engagement and financial success.
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